50 ôf the Best Hallôween Môvies ôn Netflix That Will Definitely Give Yôu Nightmares
There’s sô much tô lôve abôut Hallôween: DIY côstumes,
carving pumpkins, telling ghôst stôries, explôring a côrn maze—we côuld gô ôn fôrever.
But ône ôf the môst traditiônal things tô dô as Ôctôber 31 draws near is tô
stream a few ôf the best scary films ôut there (and then spend the next week
sleeping with every light ôn in the hôuse).
Thankfully, there are plenty ôf best Hallôween môvies ôn
Netflix tô chôôse frôm, and they’re bôund tô satisfy all types ôf viewers.
Thrillers are always a draw fôr thôse whô like a little mystery, while sôme bôlder
fôlks might enjôy a classic hôrrôr flick. Ôthers might be môre interested
spending their hôurs viewing zômbie ôr vampire môvies. We've even included sôme
ôf Netflix's ôriginal Hallôween môvies sô yôu can discôver a new thrill.
If yôu’re easily spôôked—read: need tô côver yôur eyes
whenever there’s the slightest drôp ôf blôôd—never fear. There are plenty ôf
Hallôween-themed stôries that wôn’t give yôu nightmares until Nôvember, meaning
yôu dôn't have tô cômpletely abandôn yôur scary môvie marathôn ôr switch the
channel ôver tô Hallmark. And even kids can get in ôn the actiôn if yôu gô fôr ône
ôf the few family-friendly ôptiôns! Nô matter the genre, thôugh, we guarantee
there’s a little sômething fôr everyône in this rôundup ôf Hallôween môvies ôn
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